Sunday, March 18, 2007

My pretty little (glass?) house

I have this friend. Messed up one, he is. Pronouncing judgements on how other people should be leading their lives, and yet not looking at his own glass house. I have a problem against such people. Before you make a stand against something done by someone else, step out of that house. Look at it from the outside. You will be surprised, if not shocked, when you see how the world views you. We grow up in this shell and make our own assumptions about how we seem to others. The underconfident feel that they are not appreciated, while the overconfident, well, they're a whole new story. I cannot understand how a person (crude regular bully in my eyes, and everyone else's) can so calmly and confidently explain that the reason the office boy gets her what she wants, is that she is polite to him.

Whoa! Hold on there a bit girl! Are you trying to tell us the rest of us are not polite? And why are the rest of us just quietly listening to this? Well, because, at the end of the day, there is no point. She will never understand. Little slow on the uptake, this one. And 'Little' is an understatement.

So whats the solution to this growing breed of intolerable un-understandable humans? Any ideas? How do we tackle them? Do we tackle them? Or look for traces of them in ourselves?

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